Hueys In The New Sweater Book Report

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Jeffers, O. (2012). The Hueys in the New Sweater. New York, NY: Philomel Books. The Hueys are the same in every way the way they thing to what they do nothing is different. What happen when Rupert dare to be different and what else does he have up his selves? I was surprised by this book because it wasn’t as colorful as the other work he has written or worked on and that just took be by surprise. It was just lot of whites and organ coloring with maybe a pock of green and pink here and there, but I like books that have lots of color in them and this was not that kind of book. I also didn’t like the story line in this book like I do with his other books some of them have a funny element to them, but this one was just seem to not have those funny

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