Huckleberry Finn Individualism Essay

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Mark twain continues to add to the idea of becoming an individual. Mark twain is able to add a new dynamic to this individualism idea. Mark twain adds the idea that through nature one is able to reject society and find one’s own individualism. Throughout the adventures of huckleberry Finn, huckleberry Finn struggles with this internal conflict of forming his own individual or conforming to what society offers him. It is through nature that huckleberry Finn is able to recognize the perils of society and form his own individual persona. Huck is constantly faced with dilemma facing his individuality. In many situations society influences Huck as well. One of the earliest examples of Huck facing the conformities of society takes place with the Widow …show more content…

One of the key scenes of Huck's growth as an individual pertains to racism facing Jim. In this scene, Huck apologizes to Jim something society would define as blasphemous. In this scene Huck says ““it was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger- but I done it, and I wasn’t ever sorry for it” ( Twain 65). In this statement, Huck makes Jim and he equal men, something at that time unheard of. Then Huck apologizes to Jim and feels no remorse for doing it. In this apology, Huck is completely straying away from what society would want him to do. Huck is clearly forming his own identity and in this situation realizing that, he and Jim are equal men. Society would persuade Huck with ideas of racism yet in the situation Huck does not accept this persuasion and instead forms his own idea opinion about racism and what it means to him. This apologue happens to occurs on water in nature. This helps show that nature helps evolve ones individualism. Huck conforms to society one more time by writing a letter giving up where Jim is. In this letter, Huck tells of Jim and reveals it all. Huck falls into society’s trap by giving up Jim and falling into the racism by disposing Jim like it I

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