Huckleberry Finn Argumentative Essay

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Once glorified in American literature, Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn, is now being deemed controversial for its use of racist language, specifically the word “nigger.” A heated debate on whether or not this book should be brought to a classroom setting has arisen in the recent years. The fear among many educators is that the language used in this novel is too strong and offensive for a high school classroom, especially in those that are racially diverse. Reading the word in a classroom can spark uncomfortable discussions between students of different race. Also, many teachers believe that either this book should not be taught or the N-word should be replaced. This novel however, should be taught in a high school classroom in its original context, which includes the word “nigger,” because it has linguistic, historical and moral significance. …show more content…

Every word is written intentionally and contributes to the meaning of the story and the message the author is trying to deliver. Changing a word, can alter the story greatly. It has been proposed to replace the word “nigger” in Huckleberry Finn with the word slave. By replacing the term “nigger” with the term “slave,” it is equating the two terms. However, “nigger” “denies humanity and along with it justice and mercy” (Source 8). Slavery, on the contrary, is a financial situation which is not inherently derogatory, while “nigger” is meant to have a negative connotation. The words “slave” and “nigger” are not interchangeable, especially not 219 times. “Our words create, color, layer and texture and contextualize the stories we tell,” by changing the words of the novel, we are changing the entire story (Source 1). As offensive as it may be, it is important to understand the novel in its original context because that is the way it was written in order to deliver the intended messages. Student should learn to read novels as they were written in order to truly understand

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