How the Setting Can Influence a Story

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It’s amazing how different cultures can be. In some places, they have cats and dogs as pets, but it others, those animals are used as food. But it’s not food that is influenced by the culture around us, it also changes a lot with how people behave. In some countries, certain things are not aloud, but in others it is. An example of this would be drugs. Some countries will allow citizens to own marijuana when other refuse to let it in their boundaries. Because the laws and government in each country are different, people behave differently than they would in other places where such behaviour is out of the question. Because of how much setting changes people and how they act, it is very important in stories to have a strong setting. There are two stories of which the setting is very important, The Man to Send Rain Clouds and Old man of the Temple. The setting in The Man to Send Rain Clouds and Old man of the Temple influence the characters and story events in three different ways: (1) it influences how the characters react to certain types of events, (2) it influences how the story prog...

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