How To Write A Synthesis Essay

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Quote Interpretation
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein Nobody is perfect and everyone can make mistakes at least once in their lifetime. Albert Einstein wanted to express the fact that people should try different things and do things that are out of their comfort zone. In his quote, he explains that it is okay if one makes mistakes when they are trying something new. This assertion is valid because one should explore new things and make mistakes during the process in order to learn from their mistakes and gain experience. Exploring new things causes innovations and change. One must try new things in order to find new things. For example, scientists need to try out different experiments in order to discover new substances. Mistakes are not always bad because sometimes they can be good and useful. Sometimes making mistakes can lead to the discovery of something new. An example of this situation is when Percy Spencer invented the microwave ovens. Apparently he was doing radar-related research when he noticed his chocolate melting, which then he tested the experiment multiple times, which then finally lead to the invention of the microwave ovens. One should not be afraid of making mistakes because They might …show more content…

Trying new things is not always easy as it may seem. An example of this is seen in the short story, Like the Sun, which is written by R. K. Narayan. Sekhar decided that he was going to conduct a new experiment which was to tell only the truth all day. By the end of the story, “He felt unhappy that he could not speak more soothingly. Truth, he reflected, required as much strength to give as to receive” (Narayan, Page 283). This shows that new things can be hard at first but they become easier as time goes by. One should try new things even though it may be hard, but it becomes easier as you gain

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