How To Write A Personal Reflection

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James Smart Styles of Teaching: Personality Type in the Classroom Journal Reflection What color am I and how does my life chart reflect my color was a very interesting experience for me. The reason is that I feel my life has led me on a path that has allowed me to explore reflect and accept some of my strong points as well as some of my faults, or things that I still have to learn to work through. You see you can ask anyone who knows me or has dealt with me for a while and usually they will all say the same thing. And, that is “You always know where you stand with Jim because he will tell you like it is”. While I take this with appreciation I also understand that this has more than once has created issues for me at times. I have become someone who is not afraid of speaking my mind. I wasn’t always like this and as I look at my life chart and collage I can see how what I have experienced has helped me to become my true colors. When I was younger for the most part I was really shy and tended to not say much but through my jobs and life path I have come out of my shell and bec...

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