How To Write A Narrative Essay About My Mexican-American Culture

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By the time I was in six grade, I knew I liked girls just as much as I liked boys. Such a simple revelation made me hate who I was. I was already being raised in a small racist town that hell no acceptance of my Mexican-American culture, and now I had to deal with hiding my sexuality. There was one openly gay person in the whole town. It was by watching this person that I knew I could tell no one of my internal conflicts. He was prosecuted on a daily basis; people physically assaulted him, called him names, and vandalized his belongings. Even though these things were horrible, they were not what stopped me from telling anyone, it was the looks of pure hatred and disgust that kept me quiet. Although my family was not homophobic, they made comments that left me feeling unsure. They would talk about acceptance, but then state that they did not like it when they saw gay people on the streets or on TV. Still the thing that kept me from really telling them was the fact that they too looked at the openly gay guy with barely hidden discontentment. …show more content…

I was leaving the small racist town in Georgia, and going to my birthplace in Texas. I knew I would miss my family and the few friends I had, but I knew I was ready for a change in scenery and in my life. To say that I was fearful would be an understatement. It was a new school, new grade, and new people. I was anxious that people wouldn't like or accept me. What if they didn't talk to me? What if I didn't fit in? These questions and many more were running through my head. But I didn't have to worry! Not even two minutes after I found a seat someone started talking to me, and before I knew it, I had more friends than I ever had in

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