How To Read Aloud

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There was a time in my life when I would have said that reading aloud is not something that someone needs to think about getting better at but my views on this subject have definitely changed over the years. Read aloud is my favorite time of my school day. I feel like there is a bonding that takes place between the class as we share a book together that can happen in no other way. In my opinion, reading aloud to students forms the pleasure connection that is a necessary part of creating lifelong readers. In the text, The Read Aloud Handbook, it explains that in reading you need to have a combination of knowing how to read and also a motivation to read. The way that we motivate students to read is to make sure that they like the experience, …show more content…

The book shared some tips to implement to make read alouds successful. Using expression, correct pace/speed are a few ways that were mention so the reader can make the read aloud a positive experience for the listener. I selected these elements to analyse as I read The Watson’s Go to Birmingham aloud to my family in the car on a recent road trip. The text mentioned that when we begin a reading a book we should always say the same of the book, the author and the illustrators, no matter how many times we have read the book. I loved this idea and will do this from now on with my read alouds. As someone who struggles with remember the names and authors of books that I enjoy I think that this is a great tip to help students, and myself, remember that information long after we have finished the …show more content…

The first area that I analyzed for this assignment was expression. Expression is what brings the book to life. There is nothing worse that listening to “robot” reading. It it hard to become engage in the story if there is not feeling in how it is being read. This book was ideal for reading aloud because there was some dialogue where I could change the tone of my voice but not too much where it starts to get confusing for the listener. There is a fun brotherly relationship in this story and I thought that I did a good job of portraying that teasing, annoying, behavior that would occur through the expression that I read it with. Pacing in real life changes with different events. Pacing in a story also changes with different events and the reader can reflect different pacing with the speed at which they are reading as well as the volume of their voice. Just like with expression, pacing is another element that brings the story to life and engages the listening. One thing that I noticed in my analysis of my video reading is that I could add more breaks and dramatic pauses to my reading. I think that I try to keep the text flowing and that isn’t always the pace that the writer is trying to

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