How To Increase Minimum Wage In Canada

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When a company starts to notice that expenses are increasing, they rely on managers to figure a way out to gain more profits. One of the opitions that managers will have in this situation is to employee less people to cut back expenses giving them more profits. However, that again has a setback on profits, less employees results in less production overall. This again results in less profits for the company, managers and minimum wage will be talked about more further in the report. Outsourcing is not only by foreign companies but also by companies started in Canada as well. The high Canadian dollar is a good thing for American companies but is a very bad thing for Canadian companies. Because of the inflation minimum wage has risen, and continues to rise. Which results in less profits for Canadian companies as well. And they would want to outsource to other countries to save the labour price. For example, countries in Canada can outsource to countries such as Bangladash where the minimum wage in 2015 was $68 per month (Bib #10). Which is roughly the price a company would pay a Canadian employee to work 6.5 hours. In fact, there are countries where it is even cheaper than Bangladash. It is making it much more appealing to Canadian companies to rather get cheap labour else where and transport back products rather than to use the expensive wages found in Canada.
High minimum wage …show more content…

Obviously when companies start to see an increase in expenses they will try to lower that to gain more profits. To lower expenses they will try to decrease employment. This could result in less hours per worker, or more layoffs. Which will make is much harder for people to survive in this rapidly growing economy. This makes it harder for people to get jobs in the near

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