How To Get Sick At Valley Forge Dbq

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Would you Have Quit? December of 1777 to June of 1778 George Washington set up a Winter Camp called Valley Forge for the Continental Army. Valley Forge is 18 miles outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania it was a very difficult place to live. Would I have quit the Continental Army? I would not have quit because there are a lot of sick people, but not a lot of dying people, also the conditions were bad but brave soldiers stuck with the Continental Army, and I don’t want to be a “Summer soldier” “Summer soldiers” quit when the going gets tough, and valuable things like freedom are worth fighting for. There are a lot of sick people but not a lot of dying people. In Document A it says 3,989 out of 8,000 soldiers were sick in February 1778 that means 50% of soldiers were sick at Valley Forge.That’s a lot yes but we get sick all the time no matter what it’s part of our life. In Document A 1,800 out of 12,000 soldiers died at Valley Forge which means there is only a 15% chance of dying so you would have an 85% of survival so I would take that the odds are pretty good of surviving so with that being said I would not quit. …show more content…

Waldo didn’t quit” all the soldiers had a “Spirit of Alacrity.”It means that “Dr.Waldo stayed loyal to the Continental Army and the army had been surprisingly healthy.” But they still showed spirit of Alacrity despite the

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