Marilyn Arnold's 'Unlocking The Sacred Text'

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Reading has been a pastime many have enjoyed in their lives. Throughout history civilizations have sought out scholarly books, scriptures, and books of interest. They have delighted in the pages that brought them adventure, courage, hope, and solitude. Technology has allowed us to have easy access to e-books and scriptures. We can read anywhere we like. But has the quality of our reading declined? Are we having meaningful learning either spiritual or temporal? Are we taking the time to read, ponder and pray on the things that we learn or are we just reading a verse or two and calling it “learning”? Are we able to focus on Spiritual matters as we look at our phones, tablets, and computers or are we distracted by the Facebook notification …show more content…

She expanded her understanding of sacred text by using the skills she developed in studying other works. She claims the greatest book she has ever come upon is the Book of Mormon. Arnold says (1996 p.17) “The near perfect blend of poetry and truth is, in my view, simply unequaled” She contends that the first few pages of a book is critical. You can tell if a book is deceitful in the first few pages, Arnold challenges her readers to apply this test to the Book of Mormon. She also claims that one needs no education to be able to read, understand and enjoy the Book of Mormon. She makes her point clear in her closing the Book of Mormon is an inspired text and by reading it, you will never learn or understand in a lifetime all that it has to …show more content…

To have a desire to know truth you have to be willing to work, read, ponder or meditate, and have sincere prayer. We have to be willing to take those words that we have ponderized and act upon them. This type of studying takes time and patients. This is not something we do for a few minutes just to say we read for today. Tanner says (p.497-498) “We are to learn spiritual truth by heart and then retain in remembrance what we have placed deep in our hearts.” Retaining a remembrance means we should be ready to use, display, and act on the knowledge that we have. Which means you take the things that you have read and study them all day. As I have read these two essays I have come to a greater understanding of what to do with the truth that I have. I should not take for granted the words of God. That just reading a verse or two does not constitute a desire to know truth nor is it deepening my understanding of gospel learning. I must ensure this desire of Spiritual learning does not fall by the waste side that I have a true desire to learn truth. Whichever method is used we can be sure that our desire to know the truth will put us on the path of enlightenment, preparedness, and become a son or daughter of Jesus

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