How Scholarship Changed My Life

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I was told that you never actually know what you want to be in life until you experience it. Although I always wanted to be a doctor, getting my four-year scholarship for engineering turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. It allowed me to benefit from many major opportunities and demonstrated that there is more than one path in life. I did not know it at the time, but the field of engineering opened up my eyes to the way the world works. For all my life, I pictured myself working in a hospital, Day-in and day-out, saving hundreds of lives. When I received my scholarship to Stevens Institute of Technology, I felt overwhelmed with the decision I would have to make. Giving up my lifelong dream, or helping my family out financially. Given that my father was a carpenter, and my mother was a housewife trying to take care of three children, we were far from being affluent. The only way for me to go to college was taking the scholarship. …show more content…

My first year at Stevens gave hope that I am capable of success. As time went by, I slowly fell in love with the engineering world. I wanted to learn everything I could. Thus, I took every class offered to me. As time flew by, I became immensely passionate about the beauties of engineering. I was remarkably intrigued that I decided to start my company. It took a great deal of time and effort, but I am now a proud owner of Emptrol. Every day I walk into my business with a smile on my face, ready to do the work I am so enthusiastic about. Now looking back at my childhood, I can't believe the hesitation I had about becoming an engineer. The engineering scholarship gave me the best opportunity I have ever

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