How Poverty Affects Children

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“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed”– Dwight Eisenhower. Often times children are the victims of decisions made by their country or parents. Sometimes these actions can affect the lack of food. The lack of food starts a chain reaction that hurts the society overall and does not provide the right amount of nutrition. First of all malnourishment affects children. Poverty puts children in jeopardy the second their lives begin. Poverty affects a significant amount of children. Before reaching the age of 5, almost 7.6 million children die every year, many from causes that can be prevented with proper …show more content…

Many different countries such as: Latin America, Caribbean, Asia, and China, are known to hungry people. Today, the amount of hungry people has declined. The board of directors for The Blog website comments issues like hunger, illness, and thirst are all causes of poverty. (Shelton, 2013) Society is really affected by poverty. Poverty can divide a nation or country. This happens because the wealth is in one place, so the rest have nothing. (The Politics of Corruption, Discrimination & Hunger, 2011) “USA today states that some of the biggest (racial) disparities are in poverty” ( Hoai-Tran Bui, 2014). Poverty rates have dropped a lot since 1990;poverty is still a really big deal and it won’t get fixed unless we do it ourselves. People still struggle with poverty everyday. The vicious cycle of poverty means that life long barriers and troubles are passed from generation to the next ( Shelton, 2013). “19% increase in the number of people admitted to the hospital with malnutrition over the past year” (Experts issue malnutrition health warning, 2014). Societies all over the world because of poverty. Poverty is affecting everyone and everything in it’s path. “Since 2007 UK food prices have risen 12%; have been a 7.6% fail in wages” (Experts issue malnutrition health warning,

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