How Is Mark Antony Loyal

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The battle of Philippi was the final battle of the second triumvirate. Between Mark Antony, Lepidus Octavian, Brutus and Cassius. The death of Caesar was the main cause for the battle. Mark Antony was very loyal to Caesar and he was not okay with Cassius and Brutus murdering Caesar for no good reason. Mark Antony joined forces with Octavian and went to battle against all of Caesar’s murderers. Caesar was one of the best leaders who cared for his people. Most everyone loved and respected him and his choices except the people he intimidated. His warning to watch out for the ides of march did not phase him but he still thought about it just like anyone would. ( act 1, scene 2 “Set on and leave no ceremony out”). When Brutus helped murder him he was shocked because he didn’t think Brutus would do such a thing, he thought they were good friends. Even in death Caesar got his revenge on everyone involved. He has loyal people on his side who would never be manipulated against him and they would never betray him like Brutus did. …show more content…

He trusts people to easily and that’s how Cassius convinced him to help him kill Caesar (act 4, scene 2 “you have just described a warm friend who’s cooling off”). Brutus thinks he can trust just about anyone even though all Cassius was doing was using him for his own needs. He was the last person to stab Caesar and he stabbed him to death until he died. When the battle came along Brutus killed himself after losing the battle against Antony, Lepidus and Octavian. They would have captured him and taken him back to Rome but his choices are what got him killed and he got what he deserved with choosing what Cassius

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