How Is Compassion Shown In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Jem learns many new things along the way and also matures in the process. Lee uses the story to shine light on important topics such as racial prejudice, justice, and compassion. Examples from the story are when no one took Tom Robinson's case. The reason no one took his case was because he had African American descent. Atticus took the case because Judge Taylor appointed Atticus to Tom Robinson's case because he knew he would do a good job . Society now has figured out that we are equal when the novel was written they could’ve used more people like Judge Taylor because he wanted Tom to have an equal shot at being found innocent.
The Robinsons are black, but both Tom Robinson and his wife are nice people but in the novel Tom Robinson is treated unfairly during his trial because he is black. Tom kindly offers his help to Mayella when he was asked, which eventually costs him his life. Miss Maudie Quotes “Shoot all the …show more content…

“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." This quote is telling us not to judge others until you go through what you have been. In this case Tom Robinson he is getting convicted for rape but he is innocent and tries to escape the prison but gets shot in the process. This relates to the topic sentence because in this story Tom was the mockingbird in the story and he was killed when Tom was kind and harmless. Tom Robinson didn’t deserve what happened to him they killed someone who did nothing wrong to effect the world. Harper Lee wrote this book to shine light on the cons of this world she helped others understand that we can’t treat one another differently by writing this book she has changed the lives of

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