How I Met Your Mom Compare And Contrast

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I’ll Be There For You
Lying in bed on a Friday night with a bowl of popcorn and watching a favorite TV show on Netflix is a regular ritual for many people. Friends and How I Met Your Mother are two classic examples of American sitcoms that almost everyone has enjoyed at one time or another. The storylines from these two TV shows causes their audiences to laugh, cry, and feel included in the lives of their favorite characters. Both shows receive this type of reaction from its viewers because the experiences and emotions resonate with their audience. Due to their ability to portray such lovable characters both shows have received multiple awards and honorable nominations. These sitcoms also share similarities in setting, characterization, and …show more content…

Marshall and Ted from How I Met Your Mother were both college roommates just like how Ross and Chandler were roommates in college. This caused Chandler to be introduced to Rachel and Monica very early because Chandler would go to Ross’s house for Thanksgiving. In Friends the writters introduce the audience to each characters family background and issues that have shaped the character into the person that they are today. Friends does this a lot sooner in its first few seasons than How I Met Your Mother. Friends does this by having Ross and Monica be brother and sister and having Ross become a dad. How I Met your Mother didn’t have any siblings in their group; this meant that they didn’t have any inside jokes between characters to build onto or to share with the audience. They also didn’t introduce any family members until later on in the series. Another aspect that caused the group from Friends to be closer is that Rachel and Monica were best friends in high school. Due to Monica and Rachel having a close friendship and them being introduced to Ross and Chandler so early it caused the group to form a strong friendship with each another. Even the romantic relationships between the characters in Friends and How I Met Your Mother are similar. Ross and Ted, who are considered to be the nerdy guys in the group, fall for the hot new girl (Robyn and Rachel) in season one, and they date for a year. Both of these couples are off and on, until the series finale and that’s when they finally end up together. Due to the constant “will they?” or “wont they?” storyline and relatable aspects in both TV shows, it caused millions of viewers to be drawn to their TV’s. When Friends had their series finale it gave their audience closure and touched their hearts. Though, the finale of How I Met Your Mother left many fans angry and upset because there were still loose ends that needed to be tied and the ending

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