Compare And Contrast Married With Children And Roseanne

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According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2007) women’s labor force participation raised from 33.9% in 1950 to 57.5% in 1990. The TV shows Married with Children and Roseanne are similar and different in the way they portray that statistic through their gender roles. Married with Children shows the more traditional type of gender roles, while Roseanne shows gender roles that were not as common in past decades. Both shows exemplify gender roles that were common and rare compared to decades prior. The TV shows, Married with Children and Roseanne are similar and different because of the gender roles each television show displays. Married with Children shows the audience a traditional style of gender roles. One example of this is when the mother (Peggy Bundy) stays home to clean and cook while the father (Al Bundy) goes out to work every day to make a living for the family. The TV show’s traditional gender role style is also shown when Peggy is cutting coupons before she leaves for the grocery store. This particular scene shows how the mother is traditionally and historically the parent who goes grocery shopping. Lastly, a traditional gender role is displayed when Peggy shows that she is aware that her son got an A in …show more content…

From the beginning of the episode, the mother (Roseanne) goes to work. This is an unusual gender role because the father has traditionally been the one in the family to work consistent hours for his job. Next, the father in Roseanne admits to not doing much of anything throughout the day, while the mother was at work. Finally, Roseanne speaks to her friends and co-workers in a way that is very pro-feminist. She even said, “Good men don’t just happen, they have to be created by us women.” Roseanne is a great example of non-traditional gender roles in the way the mother and the father are shown through the

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