How Far Should We Go Case Study Summary

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Case Study about Brian’s Reading Difficulties In the case study entitled, How Far Should We Go, a fifth grader named Brian currently attends Willow Brook Elementary and transferred from a different district two years ago. In the previous school district, Brian received his instructional needs with special education services in a self-contained classroom after his diagnosis of language learning delays. Yet, when enrolled at Willow Brook, the decision for Brian’s placement resolved a continuous progress classroom as the appropriate educational environment. However, the author recommends further testing to determine the applicable instructional setting to support Brian’s progress with his reading difficulties.
Brian’s Reading Difficulties
Although in fifth grade, Brian currently reads at a first grade level, with slow progress in his reading advancement. While Brian had read 22 books …show more content…

According to research, over the period of the 1984-2012, the Reading Recovery program resulted in over 77% of participants who completed the intervention met the grade-level expectations in reading and writing. In addition to Reading Recovery, Brian received adjusted spelling tests where the number of correct letters were credited rather than correct words. Although, the continuous progress classroom consists of third, fourth, and fifth graders, the Reading Recovery program is specifically for younger children; therefore, appears inappropriate given Brian’s grade. Since Brian demonstrates no conspicuous progress in his reading difficulties based on the instructional modifications administered, the author concludes the modifications as ineffective; therefore suggests further

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