How Dry I Am Kate Galbraith Summary

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In the article, How dry I am, Kate Galbraith argues the importance of news organizations needing to cover water. Galbraith, believes that water is a “rich, colorful, subject that deserves more attention from journalist and the public than it is getting.” News organizations don’t pay attention to these issues because “people don’t care about water...they take it for granted.” (Galbraith) Journalists will not report on issues unless they fulfill all the determinants of “newsworthy” news. Overall, in order for a story to be considered newsworthy, news organizations must convey the qualities of time, significance, prominence, proximity and human interest. News organizations focus on content, quality and the audience. The audience is the main objective because without an audience to convey information to, their work lacks meaning. Time is the first determinant of news promotion. According to news organizations, time consists of how current or recent an event is. The greater the distance between the reception and deliverance of the news, the less significant it is. Which is why it is important for …show more content…

The closer the story is to home, the more meaning it holds which will adversely impact how one chooses to respond. However, if a news organization does not adopt proximity they will be reporting information that won’t really matter to that specified region. Individuals are interested in the news that is happening in their backyard, because of the chance they may be affected. Many communities within the article were affected by water scarcity, “about four billion people, or two thirds of the world’s population, face severe water shortages.” (Fleur) The relationship of water scarcity and proximity is described by Galbraith, as communities in Texas and California were running out of water. Overall, “climate change brings more severe droughts and floods, to the West.”

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