How Does Volleyball Affect My Life

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Fifth grade is where it all started, the beginning to my volleyball career that I never even dreamed of. My life completely changed from the first day of my first club practice. I immediately fell in love with the sport. It brought out so many strengths and weaknesses I never knew I had. Playing volleyball showed me how dedicated I could be. Dedication isn’t something you’re born with; it has to be brought out of you by something you love. Volleyball did that for me. Playing club volleyball at such a young age was the real test because it showed which of us young girls were actually dedicated and wanted to be good. Having practice two days a week for two hours and at least two or three all day tournaments, which is about 5 games a month …show more content…

I didn’t play for myself. Of course I played for my team and coach, but I most importantly played to make my parents and grandparents proud because they have always been my biggest supporters. Throughout my years of club volleyball my mom never missed a tournament or game. She kept me going; we couldn’t always afford to stay in hotels every weekend, so she would wake up at 3:00 am and drive us to Spokane at least twice a month for my tournaments. Now that sounds like she was just as dedicated as I was. My grandparents may not have gone to all of my club tournaments, but they didn’t miss a single high school game. My grandma even kept all my stats and made a scrapbook with all of my high school volleyball memories. My dad came into the picture a little later because he always wanted softball to be my sport, but my heart chose volleyball. Coming into my senior year he didn’t miss a single game or club tournament as well. He even drove me to Reno, NV with my mom for a three day tournament. This was the most tiring experience of my life, but it was all worth it. Playing for them and making them proud is the best feeling anyone could ever have and we took third in a huge tournament of close to 100

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