How Does Ursula Le Guin Use Of Distortion

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The Left Hand of Darkness is novel that is clearly defined by its science fiction attributes, as the author, Ursula Le Guin’s main objective is to take simple life distortions and make them appear as distortions, which they are used to seeing as natural. When such writers write to a knowledgeable audience, to make things stand out, they need to include distortions. Distortions are used to show the realities that most people have become accustomed to. Flannery O’Connor’s use of distortion in her short story, The Displaced Person is evident in that the characters are not meant to represent realistic people, but the extreme of certain characteristics. Just like O’Connor, Le Guin uses the distortion of the idea of gender and truth to show the readers …show more content…

This first sentence introduces the idea of truth that will be carried throughout the novel, The Left Hand of Darkness. In the novel, the author uses the idea of truth to show people’s understandings of things and society. The title of the book is from different references to the idea of light and darkness. The author conveys to her readers that the more shades of light and darkness there are, the more people can comprehend. Just like how people know how a plant begins from a seed, and ends as a vegetable; the things that happen inbetween enhance our understanding of the process. Le Guin uses the idea of truth to convey how a single truth is much larger than the fact itself. When Genly Ai speaks of how the lack of understanding results from a messenger and not a message, the author shows how although one is responsible for the truth, the truth is vital for knowing the hole story. Le Guin uses the distortion of truth to show how many people refuse to see the truth in hopes of that they only need to know what they believe. Le Guin believes that the truth is seen as a process and not as a single fact. This idea is created through the distortion of the

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