How Does Romeo And Juliet Love Conquers All Essay

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“Love conquers all,” (Virgil) or does it? In the tragic romance of Romeo and Juliet the lovers are convinced that love does conquer all. But the ending of their tragic story repeats the theme that personal decisions are not the only thing that determines a person’s life outcome. In a matter of seconds, Romeo Montague, a sappy oblivious teenage boy, changes his dedication and lust from one woman he cannot be with, Rosaline, to the daughter of his family's enemy, Juliet Capulet. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet the character flaws of Friar Lawrence, Romeo Montague, and Balthasar are responsible for the suicides of both Romeo and Juliet. The mistakes made by these men created confusion and distress causing the well known deaths of Romeo and Juliet. The first human caused error that aided the outcome of Romeo and …show more content…

The first mistake made by unsuspecting Balthasar was how he decided to run and tell his friend, Romeo, that his beloved had passed into the next life. Friar Lawrence had planned on sending a letter to Romeo to explain that Juliet was not truly dead, but Balthasar did not give the letter enough time for the letter to be delivered to Romeo. “Her body sleeps in Capels' monument, And her immortal part with angels lives. I saw her laid low in her kindred’s vault” (5.1.19-20) Even though Balthasar was trying to be a good friend, he caused the suicides of his friend, Romeo, and Romeo’s bride. Later on after Romeo went to Juliet, Balthasar chose to leave Romeo alone to grieve, even though Balthasar could tell something was off. Balthasar could not have known that Romeo would overreact and kill himself. Or could he have suspected his friend’s extreme grief and at least watched for a while with him? Not only did Balthasar’s decision to tell Romeo that Juliet was ‘dead’ kill Romeo and Juliet, but also the fact that Balthasar left Romeo alone in the monument with his dead

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