How Does Resisting The Law Affect Our Society

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I believe that peacefully resisting the law negatively impacts our society. Any resistance to the law can turn violent very fast, even if it is 'peaceful' resisting of the law. The laws of the United States of America are in place to protect us and allow us to have freedom. When people begin to resist and fight against these laws, our freedom and safety becomes jeopardized. America, the land of the free, is a place for people to be able to have freedom and feel safe over the time period of their lives, but this cannot happen when people are disobeying or opposing the law. An example of someone resisting the law and risking their freedom and safety of others around them is when they resist arrest. This is not only illegal, but it is also dangerous. …show more content…

When they complain about people constantly resisting the laws, they feel obligated to do the same, because the government is not doing anything to stop it. Any resistance to the law, no matter the situation, is not peaceful. The law is put in place to protect our rights as free citizens, along with our safety, in this great country. The Declaration of Independence states we are all created equally. If we are all created equally, and are guaranteed our freedom and safety, then all people should realize that the law is not trying to harm us. The law is protecting us and all of our rights, not trying to take them away. There is no reason that any citizen should resist the law. Another example of people resisting the law is the Black Lives Matter movement. I believe that all people should be equal, but these protesters and rioters should not resist law. The movement began peacefully, but became violent very fast. The people in the movement began to resist the laws of our country, and then when people began to get in trouble with the law, they act as if they are the victims, even though they are the people in the wrong and rioting and resisting the

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