How Does Race Affect Student Behavior In The Classroom

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Race has a huge impact in the decision weather a student should get punished at school for acting out. Student’s behavior in a classroom are stereotyped by race and that is not always right. Black students are stereotyped to act out in school, eventually drop out of school, and become criminals in the future. They are known not be intelligent or become successful in life because they are not well educated. If a black child is constantly suspended from kindergarten all the way through high school than they will fall behind tremendously. A Hispanic student is also known to be un-intelligent because they do not know English very well. Hispanic students tend to act out in school because their parents are constantly working or that is what they …show more content…

I do not believe is right to suspend a student based on race and just because the student acts out is not because they are future criminals. A student usually acts out because they lack attention at home and are seeking attention from an adult. I believe is better to help the child early in age instead later in their life when they start hanging out with the wrong crowd. Another type of student who will act out in a classroom setting would be a student with disabilities because they feel so out of place. As educators we can change the outcome of a student success in their education. The first thing to do would be to stop stereotyping a student by their race. A student success in a classroom setting should not be determine by their race. If a student acts out we should discipline the child the correct way by having small punishments. Suspending the child would only put them behind and they would not learn anything from it. Having the child stay after class and help those with their homework would feel more of a punishment than staying at home. If a child stays at home from suspension than they would feel like it’s a reward because they can’t stand school at a young

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