How Does Money Cause Death In The Great Gatsby

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Death by Money “Money won't create success, the freedom to make it will.” This quote is talking about how money is not everything, you have to want to make something happen. The entire story would not have happened if money was not part of the picture. Money is the reason people died in the story. Money is also the reason why marriages happened. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby, money led to death, lies, and destruction. First of all, money drove the entire story. “immediately marks money and materialism as a key theme of the book” The main theme in the story is money, and how it is the cause of everything that happened in the book. Money is the destruction of Gatsby. Money is the cause of all the deaths in the story. Without money, Daisy wouldn't have hit someone with the car, gatsby wouldn't have loved Daisy, and Myrtle wouldn't have wanted to have an affair with Tom. Then, we see how much money is related to …show more content…

It's a reoccurring theme that brings itself back up. The idea of fake love also ties into the fact that everything is money driven. Daisy and Gatsby both think that in order for one of them to love the other, they need money, which proves that they don't actually love each other. The two concepts go hand in hand with each other. An example of loveless marriage is Daisy and atoms marriage to each other. “Daisy marries and stays with Tom because of the lifestyle he can provide her” Daisy and Tom never loved each other when they got married. Tom cheats on Daisy with Myrtle, and Daisy cheats on Tom with Gatsby. Daisy only married Tom because of his wealth and because her parents wanted her to. Tom only married Daisy because she was a symbol of social status and would raise his reputation amongst his

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