How Does Megamind Change Of Character

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Megamind’s change of character was bought about through love Mega Mind’s change of character was bought about through love. This statement is true, as when we first meet Megamind he is a supervillain. By the end of the Movie, he becomes a hero. As Megamind’s character develops, we learn that he is a character who has never really been loved much, only by his parents who died when Megamind’s home planet was destroyed. Because of this he just wants to be loved, and at the prison which Megamind first lands in, he thinks the way to be loved is to do what people ask of him. In life, Heroes are always loved more than villains. They do the right thing, and protect people, so naturally, people show heroes love, and support. In the beginning of the …show more content…

Further into the Movie, Megamind is pictured with his accomplice Minion, escaping prison. This is where we first catch a glimpse of What Megamind’s adult life is really like, riddled with crime, and in and out of prison. Once he busts out of prison yet again, He returns to his lair, where he begins plotting for his big plan. We soon find out that he wants to Kill Metro Man for sure this time, as he had had many failed attempts before. Because of this, he creates an elaborate plan that involves reporter Roxanne Ritci, Megamind’s soon to be love interest, however he does not know this. Once Megamind’s captures Roxanne, he puts his plan in place, and it finally works for him. He thinks he kills Metro Man, and everyone else believes it too. Eventually, Megamind takes control of Metro City, and he takes over the town hall, where he indulges in everything he wants. This ends quickly however, as Megamind feels empty because he has no one to fight or to have a rivalry …show more content…

One night, he visits the Metro Man monument , where he mourns Metro Man. Unluckily for Megamind, Roxanne Ritchi happens to be there too, so Megamind Hides, pretending to be Bernard, The grumpy assistant. Roxanne and ‘Bernard’ run away together, and they meet up every so often, whilst Megamind was pretending to be Bernard. during all of this, Megamind was making another grand plan, to create a new Hero, who he can fight. Once Megamind creates this new hero, He plans to have a grand battle with him, and supposedly everything would go back to normal, However it doesn’t. During the process of Masterminding his plan, Megamind fell in love with Roxanne, whilst pretending to be Bernard. The other part of Megamind’s plan, the hero, or titan, turned evil, so now Megamind had to be the Hero instead. Because The hero turned bad, Megamind fought as a Hero. He wanted to protect Roxanne, and he saw an opportunity to show Roxanne that even though he pretended to be Bernard, he is still the same person that Roxanne likes. Megamind’s battle continues, and as he fights, Roxanne begins to believe him more. By the end of the Battle Roxanne is Helping Megamind up, and She too truly believes that Megamind did what was right. Megamind was able to do what was right because of Roxanne, He fought for her and her love, which motivated him throughout the fight to keep

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