How Does Macbeth Change Throughout The Play

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The tragedy of Macbeth is one of Shakespeare’s greatest plays, the play itself is full of so many key points. He has a way of bringing certain components together to make the tragedy an actual tragedy. Macbeth is full of nobility,bravery, greed, blinded reason, guilt, death, treason, and many more. Shakespeare has a way making his audience think of the physiological dealing of the characters in the play. There are many themes in the play to make the physiological part of the play be considered and the major ones are, fair and foul and foul is fair theme, how ambition can subvert reason, and the major theme of the play is guilt, which takes it’s tole on a few characters in the play.
In the first act a major theme takes place, which was the foul is fair and the fair is foul or the appearance vs. reality. The way someone …show more content…

Ever since the beginning of Act 1 and Macbeth was told he is now the Thane of Cawdor, which brings fire to his ambition towards the prophecies. He has achieved two parts of the prophecies, so he is not far from fulfilling it. Since he is not far he begins to think about being King and ambition begins to boil. Of course there is the person who completed his ambition to kill Duncan, who is lady Macbeth. “ O, never shall sun that marrow see! Tour face, my thane, is as a book where men may read strange matters, to beguile the time, look like the time; bear welcome in your eye, your hand, your tongue; look like th’ innocent flower, but be the serpent under t’. He that’s coming must be provided for: and you shall put the night’s great business into my dispatch which shall to all our nights and days to come give solely sovereign sway and masterdom.” (Act 1, Scene 5, Lines 60-70). Lady Macbeth is telling her husband that he is going to kill the king, she fuels his ambition. Her and her husbands reason is wrought because of the ambition and greed for

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