How Does J. D. Salinger Use Holden's Red Hunting Hat To Characterize

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Holden Caulfield is a Pencey prep school dropout who has a passionate hate for society and struggles to find his place within it. However, while living in a world of phonies, he also covers up some intense emotions. In his novel, The Catcher in the Rye, J.D. Salinger utilizes the red hunting hat and colloquial language to characterize the protagonist, Holden, as insecure.
Symbolism is a major part of The Catcher in the Rye, and is used to shape Holden’s character. One major symbol that nearly every reader can point out within the first few chapters is Holden’s red hunting hat. Holden wears this hat throughout many key parts of this story. He bought the hat the morning he “lost all the goddam foils,”(17) a major mistake on his part that led

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