How Does Iago Change In Othello's Character

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In the book Othello written by William Shakespeare, there is one character who has a very manipulative personality. Iago who does all the manipulative throughout the book gets people on his side to then turns them against them. He influences many characters throughout the book the one that sticks out the most is when he manipulates Othello in act three. After he has manipulated Othello it takes the book for a disractic turn just like he changes his act from calm and collected to very different. He influences Othello so much that it changes his personality from calm to a murderous killer.
In the beginning of scene three of act three, Iago says to Othello “Ha I like that not ” (3.3 3) Iago is trying to make Othello believe that something is wrong and that Othello does not know what it is, and that Iago is seeing something that Othello is not. Iago does something similar in line 39 “Nothing, my lord; or if - I know not what.” Othello then responds with “Was not that not Cassio parted from my wife?” (3.3 40) Iago then goes on to change the subject, and he does not want to Othello to know what is going on. During the lines of 41-43 Iago says something to plant ideas of Cassio being with Desdemona, Othello goes on to say that he does believe that Cassio is …show more content…

While planting ideas and lies he is also confusing him when doing all of the idea planting and lie telling. Othello asks “why dost thou ask?” he asked this because Iago said, “Did Michael Cassio, when (you) wooed my lady, know of your love?” (3.3 105-107). To sum up that conservation Iago was asking if Cassio heard or was there when he confessed his love to Desdemona and if he know that he loves her and that they are married. Iago questions that Cassio and Desdemona if they had been acquainted and Othello responds that they knew each other and Cassio was with them quite

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