How Does Holden Mature

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For this essay, I would like to write about the book “Catcher in the Rye” by J.D Salinger. The main protagonist in the novel is Holden Caulfield, who is trying to mature and grow up in a world full of phonies. The novel mainly talks about Holden and how he tackles the difficulties of growing up, also problems regarding his transition from childhood to adulthood. Moving on from childhood to adulthood is the main focus of the novel. At a point of the book, situations help out Holden to change his lifestyle from being an irresponsible person to being really mature and independent. At the beginning of the book, Holden is an immature person. He never attends his classes, neither does he do any of his homework. One day he takes the decision of escaping his school, Pencey Prep. From then onwards, Holden spends money on hotel rooms, taxis, food and the nuns without thinking about anything. All this shows that he hasn’t grown up yet and doesn’t know how to manage his money. Holden not being able to get mature causes him a lot of problems throughout the book. He is physically mature, but mentally he is still like a child. …show more content…

Holden realizes that at a point of time every person has to move on from youth to adulthood and being a mature person. He perceives this by watching his sister, Phoebe ride the carousel. That is done when she is trying to reach the ring on the carousel. The ring appears as maturity for Holden, it is a symbol showing that she is trying to reach for maturity. That is what make Holden realize that he can’t let Phoebe be like a child, but he has to let her grow up. He realizes that he has to mature and and move on in his life. “The thing with kids is, if they want to grab the gold ring, you have to let them do it, and not say anything.”(211,Salinger). This quote clearly explains the cause of Holden’s

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