Holden Caulfield Mature

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The Catcher in the Rye When do you think people mature? In the novel The Catcher in the Rye written by J.D. Salinger’s, the main character Holden Caulfield goes through a series of emotional events but remains as immature as he was at the beginning of the novel. Majority of teenagers become responsible and more mature people. Holden goes through many events that cause stress and burdens and instead of coming out more mature and grown up, he still has the same childish views on life. Throughout the whole novel, Holden fantasizes about killing people, he views on sex remain confused, and he does not think out his actions. Holden thinking about killing people several times throughout the novel displays how he acts violent. He wanted to kill his …show more content…

From the start of the novel Holden makes several wrong choices. He runs away from Pencey without telling his parents not thinking of how much more trouble he will be in for not being honest with his parents. Holden is known for lying to people throughout the book, showing how he still is immature. Later in the novel Holden makes many more actions where he just acts without thinking. When he attends a date with Sally Hayes he scares her by telling her with a very stern voice that they should get married and move in together He urges her to do it which causes her to cry and call him crazy. Holden just thinking about his actions not only hurts him but others too, Holden also spends money very immaturely, He spends money on taxis, hotel rooms, food, dates, and the nuns. He does not think about managing his money which causes him to be broke and steal his sister Phoebe’s money that she had for Christmas gifts. Lastly, Holden tries and plans to run away but ends up getting stopped by Phoebe. Him running away is an example of him not thinking because he had no money for hotels or food to be able to run away. Holden never learns to think out his actions showing how he remains

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