How Does Fitzgerald Use Time In The Great Gatsby

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The Fascination of Time

To associate time in this novel is a key ingredient in laying down a good foundation of more detail and symbolism. Carrying forward and diving deeper into this story you can see how much of that motif is being reiterated. As the clock ticks forward it is revealed throughout the entirety of this story the pressure of it weighing down on every individual. Fitzgerald incorporates in numerous ways the use of time through various scenes presented in the book. Doing this promotes an impending feeling of hours, days and minutes dwindling away between the characters, whilst the momentum of being able to not rotate back the clock and repeat history over again.

In the center of The Great Gatsby is the deeply layered and intricately woven idea of time, as it is presented in many critical scenes between the pages. Whether it be shown in ways of physical beings or artificial items. A substantial part of this narrative is unveiled in chapter 6. As Nick and Gatsby are outside after another outrageous, big blow out of a party was gone as fast as a blink of an eye. Nick faces Gatsby and says with great confidence that no one can truly repeat the past. In response he says, “Can’t repeat the past?” he cried incredulously. “Why of course you can!” (Fitzgerald 110). …show more content…

Which is why this scene was a good base to see has to why and how he so strongly has faith in restoring his connection with Daisy. That time is standing tall beside him and he has the benefits of wanting terribly to replay history. Further on there is another substantial scene where there was a sneakily hidden bit of some foreshadowing that was soon to come. “Luckily the clock took this moment to tilt dangerously at the pressure of his head” (Fitzgerald

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