How Does Amanda Palmer Look Like Outcasts

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If there is one thing people fear is being part of the norm. We like to think we are special and different from everyone else therefore, we aim for goals that would make us stand out. In Michael Shapcott’s painting Auburn we see the face of a unique girl with bright red hair and a strong clear gaze who looks like she is being engulfed little by little. In fact, it almost looks like the page is being burnt and the girl is disappearing. The truth is nothing lasts forever and when someone is too different they find themselves being treated like outcasts due to jealousy. In school kids are bullied when they are different from everybody else and rejected when someone actually gets to know them and then realize that while they look different they are still like everyone else. We cannot go around pleasing everyone, it’s just not possible because everyone always wants and expects someone different. The gaze of the girl in Shapcott’s painting seems to say that she experienced all the expectations that people automatically had of her due to her appearance but that they weren’t the ones that mattered, she was. In a way Amanda Palmer is similar to the …show more content…

It’s not always possible to be accepted but still be different specially when we are constantly being hurt. Amanda Palmer is similar to the girls in the painting in the sense that they are extremely noticeable. Amanda dressed as an eight-foot bride at a park and the girl in the painting would be considered exotic due to her looks however, what makes them both alike is the way they allowed all the assumptions about them to fall away. Their actions allowed them to make room for their happiness for a change. People will never stop hurting because we are all different but what we can make sure of is that our joy never becomes second priority to another’s

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