How Do You Define Respect

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Love, respect and honor the self for relationships. Healthy, long term relationships are a two way and a reciprocal rocess. Each person firstly loves themselves and then the other person in equal measures and they have a happy, meaningful, ongoing relationships This book recommends that people ffocus on and understand their needs first and by doing so they remain in a glowing form to attract vibrant, positive relationships into their lives.We get results based on the actions we take in life. Positive actions lead in one direction and negative actions lead in another. It's up to you to decide which way you want to go. understanding their own needs before they rely on others to make them happy. You benefit from focusing on your own needs first so you can be in great shape to attract positive, vibrant people into your life and share great relationships. The good news is that there are many straightforward things you can do today …show more content…

It was likely from your family or social circles but these aren't always reliable sources for productive behaviors. It seems everyone has a different definition of respect based on their own experience, which leaves everyone guessing and doing different things that may or may not lead to respectful relationships. Some people know how to ask for respect but don't know how to give it; others can't ask for it at all. The key point is for you to define respect in a way that works for you and that you can clearly communicate to others. For our purposes, a working definition of respect is creating the conditions that lead to both people feeling great about themselves and each other. People who are respectful allow other people to be themselves, encourage them to grow, celebrate their triumphs, soothe their disappointments, listening to them and support them unconditionally. Respect is reciprocal, functions as the basis of strong relationships and is practiced equally by all parties

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