How Do Rash Decisions Made In Romeo And Juliet

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A moment in time has the capacity to drastically change a human’s course in life. In William Shakespeare’s tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the characters make rash decisions and don't think twice if it’s the right one. Friar Lawrence, Romeo’s confident and the person who married the two protagonists, Romeo and Juliet said, “They stumble that run fast.” Many unfortunate events in this play were the result of irresponsible and not thought out decisions made by the characters.
Problems and the need to make fast decisions begin when Romeo and Juliet first meet. They first met at a party and had an instant attraction. Because it is a masquerade party they didn't know that they were from families who hated each other. Once they find out they are from opposing houses, they are upset and angry, but they fall for eachother anyway. They love each other so much and they think a marriage could mend the relationship between their families. Although Juliet says in act II scene iii “It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden…” she still wants to marry Romeo. The have only known eachother for barely a day and this idea is definitely not …show more content…

Romeo has killed Juliet’s cousin Tybalt and now is being exiled from Verona. Not only does she have to deal with this but her Father wants her to marry the County Paris. He doesn’t know she’s already married to Romeo. Juliet is confused angry and sad. This is where the next not thought out decision comes. All she wants is to be with Romeo, but her father is making her marry Paris. Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence and he comes up with a plan to get Romeo and Juliet together. Juliet has to take a potion to fake die in order for her family to think she's dead and then she will run away with Romeo. Juliet is so in love with Romeo she doesn’t take the time to think about it. Her response to Friar’s plan is, “Give me, give me! O, tell not me of

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