How Did Vlad The Imapaler's Life Affected Romanian Culture

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Vlad The Imapalet was a very infamous person who's life is full of mystery and questions. Even thousands of years after his death. Vlad the Imapaler was popularly known for his cruel and unusual punishment of his enemies. Vlad the Imapaler was nicknamed "Dracula", a fully fictional character who had a taste for blood. Vlad the Imapaler life had a positive affect on Romanian culture even though he left behind him a trail of blood and dead bodies. He had s positive affect because his image had created a booming tourist industry and helped from the culture or Romania. Vlad the Imapaler was born in 1431. His father Vlad Dracul 2 and his mother was "Cneajna of Moldavia". Vlad the Imapaler was educated at court with training that was appropriate for knight hood. Vlad grew up in Romania. He spent summers with his mother in Moldavia(South Eastern Europe). These are the places where he developed his life. …show more content…

He took over the thrown after his father Vlad Dracul 2. Vlads image to scholars are mixed meaning they're a lot of mixed meaning they're a lot of mixed emotions. In a server of the top ten evil people in history Vlad the Imapaler was listed as number 2. Which means that many people think that Vlads action were wrong and inexcusable. On the other hand Romania scholars don't dispute the fact that Vlad killed 20,000 men, women and children and tortured people by ordering them to be skinned, strangled, buried and nailed. Still they believe that Vlad was a good guy and not evil he was just being a product of his environment and his time period. In fact in Romania he was viewed as hero because of the wars that he

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