How Did The Underground Railroad Impact Society

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The Underground Railroad ran through many states starting in the south and running through the North. The railroad helped many slaves escape slavery and start a new life with new found freedom. Since the Underground Railroad is an important part of history, and it helped lead to the ending of slavery it has a immense impact on society as it is today. Society was impacted vastly by the use of the Underground Railroad. Every year the Underground Railroad was operating more than 1000 enslaved people escaped every year (Rich, Underground Railroad: A path to freedom). The people who traveled the Railroad were considered fugitive slaves. Since they ran and tried to escape the Fugitive Slave Acts were put into place. These basically stated that …show more content…

When enslaved they worked from sunrise to sundown with little to no food. They would live in shacks on the plantations and sleep on dirt floors since they had no furniture. But, depending on who they worked for the conditions varied. If they worked for a small farm the were fed well. On large plantations there were domestic slaves that worked inside the house and did house work. This job was the most sought after due to the better circumstances (Slave Life and Slave Codes). There were some times that things got so bad that the colored people could not be controlled. This happened after a death caused by beating would occur. The enslaved people wanted to make sure the whites knew they were not going to get away with it (Quaterman). When slaves acted up they were often whipped, beaten, or punished in some way. Slaves had to do much manual labor, but were not given much to eat so they were weak and sometime struggled to work all day for six days straight. After escaped slaves told about the living conditions they were forced to live in for so long, more people wanted to help the still enslaves escape to freedom. We can also learn about the living conditions in our history classes and be thankful we do not have to endure the treatment they were given. Overall, If we learn and know about something we can try to stop it, or stop it from happening

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