How Did The American Revolution Affect The Economy After The Russian Revolution

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Russian Revolution Economics
(Intro) Before the Russian Revolution, the economy was a combination of agriculture and industry. Then following world war two, the economy was pushed towards failure. “By autumn the Bolshevik program of “peace, land, and bread” had won considerable support among the hungry urban worker and soldiers, who were already deserting from the ranks in large numbers” (Russian Encyclopedia Britannica). (Thesis). The Russian economy before World War One had high rates of economic growth and rapid industrialization. During this time period, industrial production increased along with the construction of railroads. It’s industrialization caused Russia to gain money, increasing its riches (Economy). This also caused overcrowding in cities mainly in St. Petersburg and Moscow (Russian Encyclopedia Britannica). Foreign investments were a large part of the economy, equaling about 33% of its overall investments. Russia profited the greatest while trading with England, France, and Germany mainly in the metals, mining, and textiles (Economy). Russia lagged behind the rest of Western society. The transport system was not effective in carrying food to urban dwellers (Russian Encyclopedia Britannica). Also, an outdated system of serfdom was in place that was negatively affecting the economy. Serfs used methods of farming that
“The country they now ruled was beset by war, deprivation, inadequate infrastructure, foreign opposition and internal divisions” (4). Peasants were short on clothing, food, and fuel. The shortages caused peasants to turn to the black market to find these supplies, despite the risk. The working class would try to find jobs that provided a food ration. Russia’s had very little food and fuel. This struggle occurred at the same time the transport system fell apart. The production of food and supplies was at an extreme low because the labor production had

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