How Did The American Revolution Affect The Constitution

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The American revolution all started out with disagreements between the colonists and the British. After the French and Indian war, the colonists began to become taxed due to the money which the King had lost. The King had bought expensive supplies for the army and for the colonies which they had stayed in for protection once the war was over. The colonists knew it was unfair to be taxed without getting a say in what happens in the British parliament. This is where the famous saying, "No taxation without representation," had come from. Britain however still continued to tax the American colonists, because it was there only other way for money to recover from war. The British passed the Stamp Act, which put a price on simple things, such as …show more content…

The Americans knew that they couldn’t continue to live under England's control. They knew they needed to become their own, start over, and do what was best for everyone as a whole. All of the events, such as the Boston Massacre, showed the Americans exactly why they needed to separate from the British. They were constantly getting the shorter end of the stick, such as having to pay taxes on things that didn’t need to be taxed. Another major influence on the US Constitution was John Locke. "He believed in the natural right to life, health, liberty, and possessions," which are major points in the US constitution. He also had the idea for the separation of powers in the government, which benefit us today by splitting up responsibilities. The Bill of Rights was also another huge influence on the constitution. The Bill of Rights was used to guarantee certain rights that everyone should have no matter who you are, such as freedom of speech. The new country took inspiration from the things that worked and applied them to their new

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