How Did Susan B Anthony Contribute To Women's Rights

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One quote Susan B. Anthony had said was “White men have always controlled their wives' wages. Colored men were not able to do so until they themselves became free. Then they owned both their wives and their wages”.This is showing that even if colored men were also struggling to access equality they did and women still havent and now they are the only ones being taken advantage of. Susan B. Anthony was showing that she was a women rights activist that had a significant effect on American history by saying this because she was also an abolitionist so she also helped colored men but then some took advantage and now don't see the pain women have to go through with the inequality from both races of men.So she tries even harder to help achieve women's rights. February 15, 1820 in Adams Massachusetts was when a significant,strong, independent women was born. Her father was Daniel Anthony while her mother was Lucy Read. Susan …show more content…

Anthony, an American women's rights activist, devoted her life to racial, gender, and educational equality.”Said the writer of Susan B anthony which shows what people most known her for but not specifically what great achievements it took to get that name.For instance with the help of another suffrage activists named Elizabeth Cady Stanton she drafted the first version of the 19th Amendment in 1878 which made women have the right to vote.Also o show that she was such a significant women towards the development of the US they put her on the dollar coin so she was the first woman to be put on a coin.This showed she was on the coin of $1 with Lady LIberty and Explorer Sacagawea to show that they were worth more than all the men on the lower class coins.Even with all these accomplishments she did have some problems because without some problems you can't be able to achieve anything.For instance since she was a strong women she could marry anyone to show that.So she declined any marriage proposals and didnt have

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