How Did Religion Change Paul's Life

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Paul, a person whose life was dramatically changed from prosecuting those who loved Jesus, to living a life for Chris and sharing the gospel. His ministry influenced the church we are part of today.
He grew up in a town called Tarsus which made him a Roman citizen. Romans thought that they had it all and was high in society. He used his authority to get Christians thrown in jail and killed. Before God changed his life, Paul was an enemy of Christ followers and God took his actions very personally. Since we are children of God, he wants to take care of us and his heart hurts when people hurt us. God had enough of his hurtful action, so he chose to intervene.

In Acts God called out to Paul in verse seven “Saul, Saul why do you work so hard against Me?”. God shined a bright light down from the sky which made Paul lose his sight for three days. Paul listened to the call and began traveling the world to tell people about Jesus. …show more content…

At first his devotion was for the wrong reason and for a bad cause. But after his conversion he was fully devoted to Christ and living for him.

Another characteristic Paul had was joy. No matter where he was, he always had joy. In jail, he had joy. When being beaten he had joy. When he was shipwrecked he had joy. His perspective of the suffering he was going through was a joyful one. He had an amazing outlook on life's sufferings. The big picture was that either way he won. If he died he'd go to heaven which he k. If he lived he'd be telling people about God and that was his

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