How Did Leonardo Da Vinci Contribute To The Renaissance

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Chapter 17 Renaissance and Reformation Essay

What is the Renaissance? It was a time of rebirth of art and learning and a flow of new ideas! Many people were influenced during the time of the Renaissance because nothing interesting went on before then. Some people studied the sun and the stars, some people sculpted and created art, and some people even did math! Crazy, really, who likes math? Back on track, some people became extremely famous after the Renaissance like Leonardo da Vinci.
But, who is Leonardo da Vinci? Silly question, mostly everyone knows who he is.. Leonardo da Vinci contributed a ton of things to the Renaissance. He was a painter, a student of science, an architect, and inventor. Some people might be called him the “Renaissance Man” because when you say the word “Renaissance” what do you think of? Probably the Mona Lisa or Leonardo da Vinci himself. Leonardo was a genius, so smart that some people might not even understood what went on in his head. But with such genius it lead him to be creative and invent things like the bicycle and helicopter. Thank you Leonardo da Vinci. …show more content…

Well, he have another sculptor and artist who contributed to the Renaissance. Mr. Michaelangelo! No, not the orange-masked turtle from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but the artist who painted extraordinary paintings, mostly related to a Catholic Church. His paintings were intense. So intense that he painted on the ceiling! Crazy, right? One of my favorite sculptures from him might have to be the statue of David, only because I saw a clip of it in an episode of SpongeBob and did research shortly after a few years ago. Most people also know what that statue looks like because it's so famous. Thank you,

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