How Did Juno's Fate Affect The Journey Of Aeneid?

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The book is extremely helpful when trying to piece together the reasons to why certain events are happening. The commitment Aeneas have in doing what he was told to do by the spirits and Gods. When the Trojans was being defeated during the Trojan war against the Greeks, his wife's spirit went to tell him to flee the city so that he can fulfil his fate Hesperia. (II.1002-1018) This made sense to why he ended up in Carthage, falling in love with Dido. Then go on to the underworld where the Roman attributes were explained in detail. To support what the Roman's destiny were, it was outlined throughout the poem. In the beginning, Jupiter was confirming with Venus that her ancestor's destiny will not change and goes on to explain what glory will await the Romans in the future. …show more content…

Starting when the Trojans set sailed from Sicily to Italy. During that time, Juno called upon the king of the winds, Aeolus to cause a storm (I.89-96). Hence, Neptune intervenes and calm the storm with anger towards Juno. This showed the relationships of the gods and how they affect the journey of Aeneas. Furthermore, Juno attempted to delay Aeneas from his destiny again by joining her rival Venus in assuring Aeneas and Dido fall in love. (IV.149-180) This shows that Juno will do whatever it takes to delay Aeneas, even if it means working together with her rival. Although Aeneas's love for Dido was strong, he had to move on and fulfill his destiny. Juno became furious when Aeneas arrived at Latium, after observing Latinus's hospitality towards Aeneas she stirred up war. (VII. 406-74) This caused Turnus to become furious because Lavinia was promised to him for marriage, but her fate was to marry a stranger which is Aeneas.Later on, Juno had to let go of her anger. Juno did not let go of her anger by choice but grew tired and hopeless because Jupiter insist that she cannot change Aeneas's

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