How Did Jeane's Identity Changes From Farewell To Manzanar

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Jeanne’s Identity Outlook Change Manzanar scarred many Japanese Americans and their families, especially Jeanne Wakatsuki even after she had left Manzanar. Not only did Manzanar ruin people when they were there but after being there their lives were changed forever. Throughout Farewell to Manzanar, Jeanne’s thoughts on her identity change, before going to Manzanar she barely knew herself, at Manzanar she wanted to be accepted, and after leaving Jeanne wanted to be seen as normal or to otherwise be invisible. Before and during her time at Manzanar Jeanne’s feeling of herself went from hardly knowing and being scared to being displeased with herself and wanting to be accepted by Americans. Jeanne recalled a childhood experience, she remembered,

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