How Did Hernan Cortes Lead To The Conquest Of The Aztec Empire

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Hernan Cortes was a Spanish-born leader who conquered the Aztec empire, led by Montezuma II, whose native land was Mexico in the year 1519 (Cantu 9). Cortes wanted to settle in the newly discovered country of Mexico. Despite the resistance, he got from the natives, he quickly conquered them, and they provided food to his army troops. He trained his soldiers to be disciplined and have strong cohesion between them which is the primary key for the success of any army. Among a disciplined army, other factors and methods applied by Cortes indeed led to the conquest of the Aztec empire. Firstly, Cortes made allies with some enemies of the Aztec empire. This was an advantage to Cortes as it increased the size of his army which increased his chance

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