How Did Greek Culture Influence Roman Art

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This question intrigued my curiosity in many ways. My very first thought was; aren't all cultures built on the ashes of their predecessors? We do know that Greeks and the Romans are close historically and geographically thus the influence of the predecessors, in this case, the Greeks and their culture were unavoidable. However, yes, Roman art was influenced by Greek traditions, but there is a fine line between appreciation and plagiarism. Roman art represented a unique blending of the Greek and the local talent to create a distinct artistic tradition. The Romans were not the first people to create major programs for sculpture, painting, and architecture. In Europe, the Greeks have all those merits. Before the rise of Rome, the Greek cities had already developed some of the classical architecture as well as some of the greatest sculpture in history. So, it is safe to say that the Romans found inspiration in those styles. As far as architecture goes Greeks did pave the road for future generations with the perfect geometrical temple, symmetrical and balanced. Roman temples are pretty clearly related to Greek temples, with the use of marble columns, a wide front porch, and a cella. Roman sculpture was …show more content…

Etruscan temples were different from the Greek ones and while the Romans were devoted to Greek Symmetry their actual floor plans of their temples were much more Etruscan.In the sculpture arena, we see the Greeks Ideolizin youth while Roman sculptures with Etruscan influence include all ages representing their devotion to accuracy, resulting in more realistic portraits. This devotion to accuracy and depiction of faces and facial accuracies we see the Roman help develop their sculpting towards busts while Greeks presented head and body together to create an ideal

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