How Did Damnatio Ad Bestias

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Damnatio ad Bestias was a way of execution in Rome for condemned people to be killed by wild animals. This punishment was created in 2nd century BC and was derived from the Bestiarii, which was a form of entertainment in Rome where Romans voluntarily fought wild animals. Due to a lack of volunteers for Bestiarii and the expenses, damnatio ad bestias was created to entertain the lower classes in Rome. Around 80 AD, when the Colosseum was completed, damnatio ad bestias became more popular and was included in the inaugural games of the Flavian Amphitheatre, and with the growth of the event, the execution was sentenced not only to the condemned, but to runaway slaves, criminals, and Christians between 1st and 3rd centuries AD (Kennedy, p154).
In Damnatio ad Bestias, many different animals were used. Lions were the first animals to be used in the arenas, however, they were a …show more content…

Males were sent to die quickly in the arena, while women had a far worse punishment. It started with Carpophorus, a very famous and powerful bestiarius and animal trainer in Ancient Rome. His most shocking power was being able to command the animals to rape humans, which was used during damnatio ad bestias for women. These animals included zebras, bulls, wild boars, stallions, giraffes, and more. This command allowed ludi meridiani to be created, which combined sex and death, all while honoring Jupiter, the “shining father”. This came from the myths where Jupiter would take many different forms of animals to have his way with human women (Aptowicz, Cristin O'Keefe.).
At the end of the damnatio ad bestias, the condemned prisoners would have to undergo one last act of humiliation. This was to be removed from the arena. It became tradition to drag and remove the bodies of the prisoners out of the arena using hooks. Once out of the arena, they would then be denied to proper pagan burial rites (“Combats in the

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