How Did Benito Mussolini Contribute To The Rise Of Fascism

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The rise of fascism post World War I is a heavily researched section of 20th century history as it completely changed the way we looked at political extremes.Countries coming out of World War I were not only beaten and scared, but some of them were facing massive war debts and reparations. The population of these countries felt betrayed by their government and were wanting a leadership who would be able to take control and pull them out of their problems, in Italy and Germany these leaders would be Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler with the help of an extreme nationalist ideology known as fascism. There were many other countries that were changing their political spectrum to a more nationalist ideology, but none were as successful as the leadership of Mussolini and Hitler. These two leaders were able to gain power in their countries by taking advantage of the social and economic struggles that were evident in their countries and providing the people with a platform that promised to take them out of the sewer and ultimately deliver them with economic and political strength.Germany had just signed a treaty that reduced Germany’s territory by 14 percent and its population by 6.5 million …show more content…

Italy had been going through a post World War One depression after 1918. Italy was also on the brink of a socialist takeover which caused mass hysteria among Italians. Even after winning the war against Germany, Italy felt they were cheated out of the territorial settlements they thought they were promised to receive. It can be argued both these nations were turned to fascism based on the outcomes the war had in their countries but However, it is impossible to make the claim that the fascist movements in Germany and Italy were identical as the situations in these countries varied nevertheless, it is possible to find common characteristics that they

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