How Did Ancient Civilization Tell The Passage Of Time

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Over the years many civilizations have created ways to tell the passage of time and days. Civilizations have and always rely on something to conclude time. With the creation of calendars many ancient civilizations were able to tell time. For some people the calendars were what got them the good things. Calendars made a big difference in the way that people worked and did their usual things. With the help of calendars farmers were able to tell when was the right time to farm and harvest. There has been many cultures and civilizations before us and many of them have found a way of telling the passage of time. Some of the ancient civilizations relied on the celestial bodies to tell the time passage (Source 1). In many cultures it have been discovered that there were people that were occupied in keeping records of the time passage (Source 1). There were many cultures and civilizations that had many ways of telling the time. Timekeeping goes way back to the ice-age, ice-age hunters also kept record of time by scratching lines and gouged holes in sticks and bones (Source 1). Sumerians also had a …show more content…

Over the years there will be things that change. For example the Gregorian calendar made a correction in the calendar introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC (Source 2). Things like this would be likely to happen since as time passes the technology advances and new ways to look at things change. In the Julian calendar it was discovered by a Neapolitan astronomer that the calendar was ten days too long (Source 2). “ The pope also approved an important reform involving leap years” (Source2), since there was a change in the Julian calendar there would also be a change to the months and how many days each month would have. There was many things that nowadays we have adopted because of the changes made in over

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