How Chemotherapy Changed My Life

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I am a blessed girl who has had to overcome minimal obstacles throughout my life. Raised in a stable family with two loving parents that instilled morals and faith in my brother and I to last a lifetime. I grew up in a normal suburb neighborhood, playing backyard football games with the kids next door, and going to church every Sunday morning was a given. Dr. Seuss said “life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who do not and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.” This paper will be about the ways God is working in my life, his …show more content…

Platelets are part of the blood that holds a unique power to save lives. Primarily the recipients of platelets are cancer patients due to the effects of chemotherapy. When I was in elementary school, my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer. At first my parents did not tell me what was happening, all they said was “Memom is sick”. When they knew exactly what she had, they sat my brother and I down and explained that she had breast cancer and it would be a hard journey ahead for her. I knew what cancer was but I never really thought it could happen to my loved ones. After about three years of intense chemotherapy and constant prayer, she is now cancer free. I thank God everyday for her being in my life. In addition to my grandmother being affected by cancer, my childhood friend Alex was born with a brain tumor, the doctors thought it was inactive until about third grade when she got very sick. The doctors said it is active and very strong. They were not sure if she would make it. She fought for two strong years, we constantly prayed and finally she beat it! God does everything for a reason but sometimes it is hard to understand why until I see the end result. Cancer awareness is a cause that is strong in my heart. I am blessed to be in good health, but I know all throughout the world people are fighting just to live a normal life. My high school softball team …show more content…

I focus my attention on the outer world. I love being around people and listening intently to their stories and what they have to say. When I was younger, I would go fishing with my grandfather for hours just to listen to his stories and the life lessons he poured into me. I enjoy organizing people and events, I take pride when events run smoothly. I pride myself on being loyal and conscientious, following through in everything I do. I strongly value security and stability, my parents have been my rock throughout my life. Without my family, I would not be the person I am today. Additionally, I base my decisions on my strong values. Interested by the lives of others, I will do everything I can to make their life as good as it can be. I hate when people desire to be included but are too shy to step out of their comfort zone. For instance, at lunch when someone is sitting alone I go and sit with them no matter if they want me there or not. Everyone needs a friend, I cherish making someone’s day just a little better. God commands us to live like him, being unkind and pretending to be different from the world is not the way to live a Godly life. I am very sensitive to the needs of others and enjoy caring for them. I get great satisfaction from attending to people. There is so much hurting in this world, I try to do my part and just help those around me. I may not be able to change the world overnight, but God can

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